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If you hang around stoners long enough, you’ll definitely start to hear some terminology and jargon that you might otherwise never have really heard.
Some can be real head-scratchers while others can be fairly easily deduced. But even then you might not want to assume it means what you think it does on the off chance that you are wrong.
And should you use these types of phrases wrong you’ll probably get a few funny looks, but hey, at least you can blame the mistake on just being high if you’re consuming marijuana.
One of the phrases that you’ve probably heard from time to time is drop the blunt. If you’re unsure about exactly what that means, keep reading on, because all shall be revealed.
We’ll also teach you some more of the typical stoner jargon so you are fully up to speed, along with some weed etiquette tips – yes, it is a thing.
So, shall we jump straight into it? Come on then.
The Big Reveal
So what does it mean to drop the blunt? Well, this one really is as simple as it sounds. You’ve physically dropped the blunt. Or joint. Or smoke. Or whatever else you’d like to call it.
This typically happens for one of two reasons, either you’re just a generally really clumsy person who’s let their joint slip through their fingers.
Or, the more common reason is that you’re really riding that wave and you’re super baked and you’ve forgotten that you’re even holding the blunt and you’ve dropped it. It happens to the best of us.
In terms of repercussions from dropping the joint, there aren’t any really. As long as the joint is well rolled, it slipping out your hand and falling to the ground won’t affect it or damage it.
You know, as long as no one stands on it and you pick it straight back up. If you’re smoking with some proper Old School smokers you may take a punch to the arm, but alas, this is the old law, so you just have to take it.
It is also worth noting that there is a second meaning to drop the blunt, but it’s not really used all that much. If you hear the phrase it’s probably referring to the meaning above but I’ll teach you this one just in case.
Some refer to dropping the blunt as providing the papers without having any marijuana.
So you might hear someone saying I’ve got no green but I can drop the blunt. Since this is quite specific you should be able to differentiate between the two meanings.
Stoner Jargon
So, here are a few other different phrases or words that you’ll hear. We’ve translated them for you into ‘non-stoner speak’ for those who don’t understand them.
- Baked/Stoned/Fried – To feel very high
- Blunt – A large brown rolling paper that tends to be made from hemp leaf or tobacco.
- Bush – Weed that is not good.
- Cherry – This is the part of the joint that is lit. The front of this will be burning.
- Cotton Mouth – This is when you get an incredibly dry mouth from smoking marijuana.
- Deuce – What somebody says to call second in line in the smoking rotation.
- Dime – This is $10 worth of green.
- Half Quarter/Eighth – An eighth of an ounce of weed.
- Hot Box – Smoking inside an enclosed space where the smoke cannot escape.
- Quarter – 7 grams of weed
- Nickel – This is $5 worth of green.
- Nug – A small chunk of weed
- Rollers Rights – The person who rolls the joint gets to smoke it first
- Skunk – A strain of weed known for its potent smell
- Zip – An ounce of weed.
The Etiquette Of Smoking Marijuana
Now, stoners are pretty well known for being fairly chilled-out people, so if you haven’t followed these rules before, don’t worry you won’t be cast aside.
You won’t be banned from future smokes but still, there are some faux pas’ that you want to avoid where you can. So let’s take a look at some of the rules and etiquette of smoking.
- Pitch In – You will be expected to pitch into the smoking in at least some form. If you don’t have any weed, then you should provide papers, roaches, drinks, or snacks
- No Weed, No Complaints – If you haven’t pitched in any weed, you’ll want to keep your criticisms and complaints to yourself. This is the case for the quality of the smoke, the amount you get to smoke, or your position in the smoking rotation.
- Rollers Rights – The individual who rolled the joint gets to smoke it first. This law is absolute.
- Calling Deuce – Once the joint is rolled, those who have contributed green can call deuce. Whoever calls deuce first is second in the smoking rotation.
- Eager Beaver – Beware of calling deuce too eagerly, for if you call it before the blunt is rolled you will be automatically placed in the last position of the smoking rotation.
- Pitcher’s Priority – Those who have pitched in some of the marijuana get priority when smoking. This means they may rotate once or twice without including those who have not pitched in. This isn’t always the case but always wait patiently to be offered your turn. It can be considered rude to demand your go if you haven’t contributed any weed.
- Ring It – If when you get passed the joint it has canoed (burned faster on one side) then you’ll need to use some saliva and create a ring around the front to try and slow down the fast-burning section.
- No Poaching – Do not pocket any lighter that is not yours.
The Non-Marijuana-Related Meaning Of Drop The Blunt
Before we leave you, it is probably worth noting that there is also another meaning for drop the blunt that makes no reference to smoking marijuana at all. So, let’s explain that one too.
In terms of relationships, you may also hear someone say that they dropped the blunt. And unlike the weed-related meaning of this phrase, this one does have massive repercussions.
This is because this phrase typically refers to cheating and infidelity.
In this case, it refers to the significant other being unfaithful, and the person who ‘dropped it’ often calls their partner immediately after to check where they are and who they are with.
So, not really anything to do with smoking weed in this case, but it’s definitely worth understanding this phrase. If you hear someone saying this to your partner, it might be time to start asking some questions.
But hey, we are not here to cause relationship problems. So maybe we should refer back to the other meaning, have a smoke, and chill back out again.
Final Thoughts
So as you can see, for the most part, dropping the blunt is a phrase with a fairly obvious meaning. It simply means that you’ve dropped the blunt to the ground.
If you’ve done this, don’t worry, it’s a pretty common mistake to make that holds very few consequences providing the joint is rolled well. Although try hard to avoid it if you’re hot boxing a car. If anything, it’s just a pretty good sign that you’re getting baked, and hey, isn’t that the goal?
Hopefully from this article, you’ve also learned a little bit more about the common phrases that stoners tend to use.
Some of the other jargon isn’t quite as easily deduced and so I thought it would definitely be helpful for those that don’t really tend to know what they mean.
There’s nothing worse than someone speaking to you and you can do nothing but look up at them blankly and confused. And let’s face it, your mind is blank and confused enough as it is after a few smokes.
Then, of course, it is always beneficial to know the proper etiquette of any activity you wish to participate in.
While you won’t be cast aside from the stoner circle for asking to light up first after not rolling or providing any weed, you are likely to get an earful or some serious ridicule.
And if you do manage to avoid that, you’re definitely going to be dead last in the smoking rotation. This etiquette guide will hopefully have helped save you from such a fate.
I’m an avid gardener and cannabis enthusiast. You can usually find me in my garden caring for my plants or at my computer crafting helpful blogs for my readers.