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Over the course of various different articles on our website, we have often talked about different things such as how to grow weed, what is the best kind of light to grow marijuana, even provided you with some great options for seeds, helped you understand where to buy marijuana seeds from, and answered a lot of your weed-related questions. In this section, we observe what are the different ways in which weed can be consumed.
Traditionally, marijuana has been consumed in the old-fashioned way. You either smoke it up, or you crush it and mix it in food and eat the food. However, with time and technology, a large number of new ways of consuming marijuana have come into the scene and the millennials are consuming weed in a way which is very different from how people were consuming it a millennia ago.
Today, there’s a way to extract just the THC from your marijuana and consume only that! You can smoke just the vapour, or you can convert your weed to the form of butter or brownies and have it. There are just so many options for stoners today. Let us take a closer look at some of the best such options that are available to them:
1. Joints
Let us begin with the classics. Smoking your weed in the form of a joint is the most common practice all over the world. Get a rolling paper, put some weed in it, maybe add a little bit of tobacco to it based on your preference, seal it, twist it, and light it up. Getting a pre-rolled cone makes your job even easier. You can also get hold of a flavoured rolling paper to add a little bit of taste to your bud.
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2. Bongs
After joints, another very common and popular method in which marijuana is consumed is by using bongs. These are basically water pipes that are used to cool the smoke down before you consume it. Bongs have been around in some form or the other for hundreds of years and generally give you a bigger ‘hit’ than compared to a joint because the amount of smoke that you are consuming is significantly higher. One of the biggest benefits of the bong is that it eliminates some of the carcinogens from the smoke by filtering it in water.
3. Edibles
The third most popular way to consume weed is via edibles. Marijuana-infused cookies, candies, chocolate bars, and a large number of other food items are very common. These also make for a good gift – while also giving you a very good ‘buzz’ without you actually having to smoke it. Besides, adding it in food also mutes the taste of weed which people sometimes find a little annoying.
4. Cannabutter
Basically in this case you are preparing a butter that is infused with weed. You will need decarboxylated marijuana for that and you will need to first melt your butter, add this weed to it, churn it well enough and then allow it to freeze. Apply this butter on any food product post that and you will get this euphoric feeling after eating practically any food item with cannabutter in it.
5. Vapes
Welcome to 2021. Vapes are totally the in-thing. A large number of people today are vaping their weed because of the perceived benefits that it offers over traditional means of smoking it. Besides, vapes leave no smell and can be concealed with ease, just like a pen. This is why they are getting increasingly popular among the youth. Besides that, vapes help you get more out of your weed because you are heating it, not burning it.
6. Oils
When we talk about cannabis oils, we are basically talking about CBD-rich products which provide you with a soothing and relaxing effect. Getting a gentle massage from these oils will help you ease your aching joints, relax inflammations in various body parts, and provide relief from anxiety, nausea, and stress.
7. Bath Soaks
Now, this is one of the most elegant forms of getting the relaxing effects of weed. Basically, these can be understood as bath salts infused with THC, which allow you to consume weed via your body. While these don’t give you a ‘high’, when your body comes in contact with water infused with these salts, you get a very relaxing, calming, and soothing effect that will help you cool down your sore and aching muscles.
8. Dabs
Another very popular way of consuming marijuana is by ‘dabbing’ it. Here, you first need to prepare an extract in the form of wax, shatter, or oil by extracting THC and other cannabinoids from marijuana using a solvent. Dabs can then be consumed using pens and cartridges. The biggest benefit that you get upon dabbing weed is that you get it in the cleanest and purest form possible.
9. Bowls and Pipes
From some of the most modern methods of consuming weed to one of the oldest – pipes and bowls. These are the classic methods, which you might have seen in movies from the 50s and the 60s where a detective always has a pipe in his mouth. These pipes are still available in the markets and you can stuff your weed upfront and light it up while taking a big drag, giving you the high. However, given the lack of a proper filtration mechanism, these generally can be quite rough for first-timers.
Marijuana has been consumed for thousands of years and with time, we are just figuring out new ways of consuming weed, as well as newer ways of purifying the weed. We’ve reached such a point in time that only the compounds of THC and CBD can now be separated and smoked – giving a very clean high. This is indeed a major progress for the stoner science!
These were some of the different ways in which you can consume weed in 2021. There are a number of other options too – but these lead the way. What is your favourite means of consuming weed? Make sure you let us know in the comments.
What are the different methods of ingesting marijuana?
You can ingest marijuana using four different methods. This includes topical, inhalation, sublingual, and oral. Each method has some special characteristics that make it suitable for different consumers. Before trying a method you should learn about its benefits and risks.
What are cannabis edibles?
Cannabis edibles are one of the most popular ways to consume marijuana. You will find many marijuana-infused food items, such as candies, cookies, brownies, and chocolate bars among others. Edibles are commonly used for recreational purposes as it gives you a good buzz. It is the perfect way of consuming marijuana for people who are against smoking.
What is cannabutter?
As the name suggests, cannabutter is a combination of butter and cannabis. It is widely used to make cannabis edibles, especially baked goods like brownies and cookies. Before making or buying cannabutter, you must determine the kind of effect you want to experience.
What is cannabis oil used for?
Cannabis oil or CBD oil is extracted from cannabis Sativa and cannabis Indica, the same plants that are used to make marijuana. CBD oil is widely used for treating chronic pain. However, it is also effective in reducing stress or anxiety. It can also stimulate appetite like marijuana, but without getting you high.
Can you put dabs in an edible?
If you have some old cannabis dabs in your home and don’t know what to do with them, you can use them in edibles.
Can one dab get you high?
Dabbing is often considered a safer method of consuming marijuana as it is highly concentrated and takes just one hit to get high. However, it is not suitable for people who are consuming marijuana for the first time. Dabs are consumed using cartridges and pens.
I’m an avid gardener and cannabis enthusiast. You can usually find me in my garden caring for my plants or at my computer crafting helpful blogs for my readers.