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Just like any other plant, Cannabis too requires water for performing all the basic functions it is supposed to perform. The flushing of water helps the cannabis plant absorb the essential nutrients through the roots. It then moves higher towards the top as well as in the leaves. Without the water, cannabis plant, or for that matter any plant would die as they would not be able to survive the de-hydration for a longer time.
But, in the case of cannabis, special attention is required while watering the plant. It is not the general standard of water quantity that you should flush but is different from others. You are required to follow a specific method for watering the cannabis plant. The process to identify when you need to water the cannabis plant might be a bit difficult to understand. The post below will help you understand the entire process without any complications. So, keep on reading it further.
When to flush the Cannabis plants?
If you have planted cannabis plants then you might also be wondering when to flush the cannabis plant. The section below will be taking you through the information you wish to know. Finding the right time to flush your cannabis plant might be a bit tricky as it is based on several factors.
The most important point that should be kept in mind while flushing the cannabis plants is that a specific period should be maintained thoroughly. The process of flushing the cannabis plants should start at least two weeks before the time of harvesting. This is a very important factor that should be kept in mind or else it will do more harm than good.
Just to set an example if the cannabis plants have a flowering period of about ten months, then the process of flushing them should begin eight weeks after the flowering period of the cannabis plants. This process should be done immediately as soon as the papilla starts to show a milky white color.
Another very important point that should be kept in mind while flushing the cannabis plants is that a particular time should be chosen to flush the cannabis plants. Flushing cannabis comes in with a lot of benefits. Flushing the plants regularly will not only keep the plants clean but will also remove the excess oil and dirt build-up from the soil as well as from the roots. This will help the cannabis to remain fresh and clean throughout the year.
It is well known that flushing cannabis comes in with a bunch of benefits. However certain points should be kept in mind before starting the flushing process. Over-flushing and under-flushing can have harmful impacts on innocent plants. The essential vitamins might not be absorbed properly. Also, over-flushing might lead to dry and damaged leaves.
How to flush cannabis plants?
The cannabis plant owner should have some knowledge regarding how to flush the cannabis plants. The segment below will be taking you through the information you need to know. So, continue reading further to get a clear understanding of the process.
- Check the pH balance
The pH balance of the water provided to the cannabis should be checked upon. Generally, tap water is suitable for watering cannabis plants.
- Maintain a routine
A specific routine should be maintained to maintain the overall health of the cannabis plants. Overwatering is strictly prohibited as it can be harmful. However, watering provides essential nutrients and food to the plants. Hence watering the cannabis plants is a crucial step towards maintaining the overall health of the plant.
- Measurement of water
The water content should be continuously checked upon. Thereby, it would be very convenient to keep STDS measuring reader handy. This will help the owners to understand the amount of water given and will also help them to know how many solids have been dissolved in water. Another fact that should be kept in mind is that the water flowing out of the pot should be equivalent to the number of solids dissolved.
- Quality of the leaves
The leaves of the cannabis should not turn yellow. It is not uncommon to notice some yellowing on some of the parts of the leaves. However, if all the leaves turn yellow, it will be very difficult to harvest on such a plant. It might also lose its capacity to produce flowers as its buds will no longer remain healthy.
- Ideal time of flushing
There is no specific time for flushing cannabis plants. However, it is recommended to do it either in the day or at night. The purpose of flushing is to remove the excess oil and dirt build-up from the roots of the plant. This helps the plant to breathe freely, thus makes the harvesting process much smoother and easier.
Points to note while flushing the cannabis plants
The owners of cannabis plants must know certain facts while flushing the cannabis plants. So keep reading carefully if you want to know these important facts.
- Stage: An appropriate timing should be set for flushing. It is generally recommended to flush the cannabis plants before harvesting as this will help in better absorption of nutrients and vitamins and will also help in improving the quality of the buds. If the essential vitamins and minerals are not properly used up by the cannabis plants, it will in turn deteriorate the quality of the buds.
- Nutritional requirements: Proper nutrition should be provided to the cannabis plants during specific intervals. The cannabis should be watered thoroughly as this will help in eliminating the old soil and the plants will feel fresher.
- Regular flushing: Regular flushing will not only maintain the quality of the plant but will also enhance the growth of the buds and the flowering process. The roots of the cannabis need to get rid of the old soil at regular intervals to facilitate better growth and absorption of all the additional nutrients and vitamins.
- Nutritional deficiencies: Plant owners need to have a proper idea of how to balance out the nutritional requirements of the cannabis plants. Cannabis plants do not require excess nutrients. Overdoses of nutrients can be more harmful as they can have a dreadful impact on the health of the plant.
Providing excess nutrients can lead to dirt and soil build-up which is extremely harmful to cannabis plants. In most cases, flushing can help the plant owners to get rid of all the problems which they are facing. However, it is not always recommended to water the plants whenever a change is noticed in the behavior of the cannabis. However, flushing is an excellent method of flushing out toxins from plants.
Why flushing your cannabis plant is essential?
Flushing the cannabis plants is an extremely crucial step that one cannot miss at all. Flushing is not only necessary for cannabis plants but is required for all other plants in general. Flushing comes in with a lot of benefits that are required for cannabis plants.
Flushing should be carried out always before harvesting the cannabis plants. This is an important point that should be kept in mind. This is in turn helps in eliminating all the previous soil and dirt build-up from the roots as well as from the soil of the cannabis plants. This will facilitate better growth of the plant and the cannabis plants will feel fresher than they are.
Moreover, flushing the cannabis plants at regular intervals helps in better absorption of essential nutrients and vitamins which are essential for the cannabis plants. The process helps the cannabis plants to absorb as many nutrients as required by them. This in turn enhances the quality of the buds and enhances their texture.
Flushing the cannabis plants also help them in breaking down food and also help them in discarding excess amount of chlorophyll. So, when new food is provided to the cannabis plants it facilitates adequate absorption of food and vitamins that is necessary for the cannabis plants.
Flushing the cannabis plants at regular intervals helps with a lot of problems faced by the plant owners. If the plant owners notice any such change in the behavior of the cannabis plants then flushing is one of the best options that they can look out for. Flushing can help the plants to get rid of all the problems. Flushing prevents drying of the leaves and prevents discoloration of leaves. If the plant owners notice any discoloration in any part of the cannabis plants then flushing the cannabis plants is one of the best methods to prevent dry and damaged leaves.
From the above segment, it is clear that flushing the cannabis plants comes in with a lot of additional benefits. It is a vital step that can help the plants as well as the plant owners in different ways. Flushing can be a one-stop solution to all the problems faced by the plant’s owners. The process of flushing the cannabis plants provides lots of nutrients and vitamins to the cannabis thereby helping in the better growth of the beautiful cannabis plants.
A rotating team of writers and editors dedicated to providing reliable information for the readers of American Promise. We’re all passionate about cannabis and actively engaged in this “budding” industry.